About Teen Challenge

Teen Challenge Albania is a non-profit organization, founded by Orges and Blerina Hysenaj starting its mission in Tirana in 2015. Teen Challenge Albania is part of Global and Europe Teen Challenge as well as a member of VUSH. Teen Challenge has its beginnings in the USA in 1958 by the well-known preacher pastor David Wilkerson. So far, 1,400+ programs in 129 nations are now at work.

Our mission: We help people become: mentally healthy, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically healthy and spiritually alive.

From several years, Teen Challenge Albania has started Streha rehabilitation center, a residential center for individuals with addictions such as: drugs, alcohol, gambling, who want to change and build a new life-style and a hopeful future. Our focus in center is life transformation, gaining new habits and reintegration into society.

Teen Challenge Albania is active in the field of drug prevention, organizing and participating in such events in national level as: schools, public areas in various municipalities of Albania, in media and also in international level as: participating in conferences as well various symposiums.

Teen Challenge staff and volunteers are often found on the streets of our cities seeking out and reaching out to those addicted to alcohol, drug abuse and other life-controlling problems.

We believe that there is hope for those who have no hope to be freed from such problems. We believe that hope can be found in a personal relationship with God.

Teen Challenge staf and volunteers of are often found in hospitals, on the streets of our cities contacting those individuals left without hope due to problems caused by addiction or other life-controlling problems.

In various cities of Albania, we have opened coffee houses which are places where we have personal meeting with individuals with life – controlling problems as well as point of orientation for the right path to a life in freedom.

We believe there is hope for every individual. Being a christian center, we believe that this hope can be found in a personal relationship with God, through Bible reading and prayer.

Our values


To live and work with excellence


To embrace hope, love, and reconciliation


To work together and support each other


We believe in God for the impossible


We dedicate ourselves to the success of others